Every Deal – Digital Sales Rooms
I used to send over 3 links + 2 attachments as an email follow up, for every deal.
-Case Study
-Pricing Sheet
-Gong Call
-Integration Video
-One Pager
Result: An email that is too long, isn’t read, and gets ignored.
Now, I’ve eliminated that entirely.
One year ago, I completely changed how I sell.
I use a digital room as a centralized hub to compile everything – think pricing sheets, case studies, demos, reviews etc
It makes it super easy for my champion to share and sell internally to the buying committee.
Then, you get analytics to see how it’s being engaged with and how many stakeholders have accessed the room.
That helps me create a more personalized buying journey for each person thats a part of the deal.
In B2B Sales, there are now 10+ stakeholders on avg in every deal.
Most sellers only sell to 1-3 stakeholders per deal and don’t know how to multi-thread and gain access to power.
This is how you change that.
In partnership with Aligned, you can get started here FREE with your first 3 deal rooms.
Good luck if you do!