OPPS – Framework + Real Example
Brian LaManna
My “OPPS” email framework won me 750K in revenue last year.
It goes like this:
O – Observation
P – Problem
P – P.S.
S – Simple CTA
Here is a “fill in the blank” example of how it looks:
“Hi {first name},
Recently noticed [observation]
{title}’s share that {problem}
{department} leaders use {our company name} to {benefit}
Ever come across {our company name} before?
{sender first name}
P.S. [personal observation]”
Below is a real example I sent last year:
Subject: steve’s cost cutting goals
Came across the recent interview with Steve where he shared “cutting costs” and getting back to cash flow positive, is his top priority among investors.
Other_____have shared with us that in order to cut costs, they look towards______ to drive operational efficiencies.
Sales leaders use [our company) to cut costs across their org by (insert value prop).
Use any solution to help with this today?
P.S. Saw you recently got promoted to Senior VP. Congrats on all the success!
An important key is to make this email about them and not the features your solution has:
❌ Gong works by capturing, transcribing and analyzing sales conversations across phone, email, and web….
✅ CRO’s share that as they scale, they lose visibility into their most critical initiatives like ___.