Closed Won

How to Uncover Your Prospect’s #1 Priority

🦙 How to Uncover Your Prospect’s #1 Priority

Brian LaManna

July 29, 2024

Read Time: 3 minutes

Crowdstrike’s error cost the company $30 billion dollars.
It took down 8.5M computers and wrecked Delta Airlines.
Excellent time to be a seller, selling anything that prevents an issue like that.


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Uncover the TRUE #1 Priority

Featuring Mike Gallardo, Sales Leader @ Deel

​Mike Gallardo is sharing, from a sales leader’s POV, how to uncover a prospects #1 priority.

Can attest to this as a rep of having a very similar framework.

Give it a try this week.

It’s a little strange (and awkward) if you start discovery calls immediately zoning in on their main priority.

So start off with a little bit wider, more open ended question that gets your prospect opening up about their business.

After your prospect shares what’s going on their business, usually a 3 to 8 minute monologue, summarize what you heard.

This makes your prospect feel “listened to”, helps you build trust, and ensures that you didn’t miss anything.

Once you’ve summarized what you heard and confirmed you didn’t miss anything. It’s time to focus in on their #1 priority.

The first step is asking a bucket question with the top 2 priorities your customers usually come to you and your company to solve.

By the way, if either of the options are not correct that’s OK. They’ll simply correct you and share their real #1 priority.

So no matter what happens, you win.

Oftentimes, your prospect will only share surface level details. It’s actually quite rare for them to get into the nitty gritty right off the bat.

So you have to lean in, when they mention these high level details and ask discovery questions that dig deeper.

Sometimes your prospect will list multiple priorities. When that happens it’s important to ask them to stack rank them.

That way, you learn what their true #1 priority is and can make sure that’s the focus of the sales cycle, differentiation and establishing yourself as the “provider of choice”.

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