NEW from 5x President’s Club Winner Brian LaManna:


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Playbooks trusted by 2,000+ Sellers 

The modern discovery system for AEs and leaders to consistently win bigger deals, faster.

Discovery: From 1st Call to Close

Playbooks trusted by 

2000+ sellers

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Discovery: From 1st Call to Close

NEW from 5x President’s Club Winner Brian LaManna:

The modern discovery system for AE's and leaders to consistently win bigger deals, faster.

Playbooks trusted by sellers from these fine companies:

Playbooks Trusted by sellers from these fine companies:

Replying "makes sense" before moving on to your next prepared question.

It’s time to take your Discovery from…

Struggling to maintain momentum and close deals because you don’t have your buyers engaged and know what problem you’re trying to solve.

Asking generic, mundane questions that sound like you’re going through a checklist you learned during sales onboarding.

Making prospects feel like their information got collected to be put into CRM.

Replying "makes sense" before moving on to your next prepared question.

Struggling to maintain momentum and close deals because you don’t have your buyers engaged and know what problem you’re trying to solve

Asking generic, mundane questions that sound like you’re going through a checklist you learned during sales onboarding

Stop making prospects feel like their information got collected to be put into CRM

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…into a modern system that

Gives you confidence asking researched, thought provoking questions with the goal to better understand their prospect’s business and role.

High performers ask well researched, thought provoking questions with the goal to better understand their prospect’s business and role.

Leaves your prospects feeling heard and understood after a  natural, curious conversation.

Seek to understand and have a natural, curious conversation.

Significantly improves your Win Rate and speeds up your deal cycle - helping you smash you quota.

Prospects leave those conversations feeling heard and understood.

…into a modern system that

Who this is for

Sales Reps can expect to:

  • Transform how you approach discovery by making it the foundation of your deal - not just a ‘sales stage’ or a single call.
  • Boost your win rate by avoiding common pitfalls that’ll leave your deal dead as a result.
  • Earn higher commissions, quicker by mastering how to align with your buyers and position your solution the best way possible. 

Sales Reps can expect to:

Sales Leaders can expect to:

  • Increase your consistency as a leader by training your entire team from a repeatable model - not just company material or your past experience.
  • Improve pipeline health / forecast accuracy with properly qualified deals that are more likely to close (no fluff).
  • Guide your reps to continue discovery throughout the entire sales motion using proven practices. 

Sales Leaders can expect to:

Who this is for

Discovery System ≠ a list of questions.

This resource isn’t just a list of questions - it’s a follow-along guide that will lead you through your entire deal and ensure you’re not leaving any potential commissions on the table. 

Inside, you’ll get everything you need to immediately see improvements in your discovery.

Purpose, methodology, and scripts for every key part of your deal cycle.

Purpose, methodology, and scripts for every key part of your deal cycle. 

90+ questions, scripts, and examples for you to directly leverage. 

90+ questions, scripts, and examples for you to directly leverage.

9 Video role plays to add context to the strategy and showcase tonality. 

9 Video role plays to add context to the strategy and showcase tonality.

Pre-built frameworks to use in building your own scripts for your company’s solution.

Pre-built frameworks to use in building your own scripts for your company’s solution.

Resource Library with copy/paste resources that Brian uses on a daily basis. 

Resource Library with copy/paste resources that Brian uses on a daily basis.

Add to Cart $147

Inside, you’ll get everything you need to immediately see improvements in your discovery.

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(In short)

Nothing is held back.

If you’re reading this page, Discovery: From 1st Call to Close contains everything you need to install the discovery skills that will forever change your sales career. 

Installing the skills is simple:

Secure your copy of Discovery: From 1st Call to Close

Secure your copy of Discovery: From 1st Call to Close

Instantly download and open up to your desired people

Instantly download and open up to your desired people

Read the strategies, scripts & frameworks and use them on your very last call. 

Read the strategies, scripts & frameworks and use them on your very last call.

Add to Cart $147

"I may or may not have written your favorite discovery questions on sticky notes, put them on my monitor, and used them in my last demo this afternoon. And it may or may not have been one of my best calls of the month"

Graham K.

"I may or may not have written your favorite discovery questions on sticky notes, put them on my monitor, and used them in my last demo this afternoon. And it may or may not have been one of my best calls of the month"

Unlock the Closed Won Discovery system

Unlock the Closed Won Discovery system

Purpose, methodology, and scripts for every key part of your deal cycle. 

90+ questions, scripts, and examples for you to directly leverage.  

9 Video role plays to add context to the strategy and showcase tonality.

Pre-built frameworks to use in building your own scripts for your company’s solution. 

Resource Library with copy/paste resources that Brian uses on a daily basis.

Add to Cart $147

Confidently Invest in Your Skills.


Brian's full system that led him to 5x President's Clubs and  210% and 173% of YTD quota the last two years.


Closed Won has helped over 2,000 Sellers and Leaders level-up their skills and careers.


Experience results your very next call after reading and applying the system.

Confidently Invest in Your Skills.

More than just a sales stage.

Initial Contact 

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First Call

Second Call

In Demo

Additional Calls

Exec Level

Late Stage

BONUS: Building Rapport

BONUS: Connecting with ICS

Discovery is the foundation of any closed won deal. Inside this system you'll build on your discovery throughout every deal stage so you can maximize your closing potential.

More than just a sales stage.

How to Get Started:

Click or Tap any of the buttons on this page to add this resource to your shopping cart 🛒 

Click or Tap any of the buttons on this page to add Systematizing Outbound to your shopping cart 🛒 

Complete the secure order form (secured by Stripe®) and complete the checkout. 

Complete the secure order form (secured by Stripe®) and complete the checkout. 

Check your purchase email for a receipt and immediate access to the entire program.

Check your purchase email for a receipt and immediate access to the entire program.

Follow along the system to easily install the proven discovery plays and transform how you sell.

Follow along the system to easily install the proven outbound plays and witness your pipeline overflow.

Get Started for only $147

Take 34% off the cover price if you act before Friday at Midnight EST.

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How to Get Started:


Everything you need to know.


Full Table of Contents

The modern discovery system for AE's and leaders to consistently win bigger deals, faster. 

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Table of Contents + Resource List 
Foundation + Mindset of Discovery 
  • Welcome Video
Initial Outbound / Inbound Pre-Opportunity
  • Video Roleplay: Unqualified Meeting Let Down
  • How to Cancel Voiceover 
Preparation - What Needs to Happen Between Meeting Set + First Call
  • Video: Efficient Meeting Prep 
First Call (Stage 1)
  • How to establish a strong POV
  • 2nd Question 
  • 3rd Question
  • Video Roleplay: First 3 Questions with Voiceover of Inflection, Tempo, Tonality 
Second Call (Stage 2)
  • Great Agenda Video
  • Video Roleplay of What We’ve Learned with Additional Discovery 
In-Demo Discovery
  • Video Roleplay: Favorite In-Demo Questions and How to Ask
Calls in the Middle of a Sales Cycle 
Video Roleplay: Using a Mutual Success Plan in Live Calls 
Exec-Level Demos or Presentations 
  • Step #1 - Show Agenda Slide and Give a 5 Second Pause
  • Step #2 - Flip to the What We Learned Slide and recap in 30 - 40 seconds
  • Step #3 - Tee up your champion to sell for you
  • Step #4 - Run discovery with the executive
  • Two common pitfalls to avoid
  • Video Roleplay: Pushing Back on an Exec
  • Risk + Action
  • Video Roleplay: “My Biggest Concern” and Seeking Out Risk
Bonus: Rapport
Bonus: Bonus 2: Connecting with an individual contributor 

Full Table of Contents

The modern discovery system for AE's and leaders to consistently win bigger deals, faster. 

Add to Cart $147


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It’s time to take your Discovery from…

Installing the skills is simple:

Take 34% off the cover price if you act before Friday at Midnight EST.

Who is this resource for?

This resource is designed to serve both sales reps of all stages, as well as leaders. For Reps, you can expect to transform how you approach discovery by making it the foundation of your deal - not just a ‘sales stage’ or a single call. For Leaders, you can use this to increase your consistency as a leader by training your entire team from a repeatable model - not just company material or your past experience.

What makes this different than other playbooks?

More than just a list of questions - this resource is a follow-along guide that will lead you through your entire deal and ensure you’re not leaving any potential commissions on the table. Most Discovery resources don't arm you with the methodology, frameworks, and understanding to increase your skills as a seller. This system gives you everything you need to build on your discovery throughout every deal stage so you can maximize your closing potential.

Who are you? Why should I listen to you?

Great question. Brian has earned 5 President's Club Awards so far in his career - with his latest two coming after achieving 210% and 173% of Annual Quota in both 2023 and 2022 respectively as a Strategic Accounts Mid-Market AE @ Gong. He began documenting his story on LinkedIn where he became known for sharing modern, tactical advice to help other sellers achieve similar results. So far, he's helped thousands of other sellers level up through his LinkedIn presence of 71K followers, his newsletter that 13k sellers read every Monday - and his resources available for purchase that have helped 2K sellers since 2023. You can trust that his advice is actionable, relatable, and easy to follow.

Is it worth the money?

Ultimately, only you can decide that. But thousands of sellers have invested in Brian's resources and are leveling-up their career with the insights, frameworks, and scripts he provides. What would the ROI be for you if this system helped you closed even just 1 more deal a quarter?

Do you offer refunds?

We feel comfortable with your decision to not purchase if you feel it's not a fit. No harm no foul! We’d prefer you decide this isn’t something to invest in instead of "happy-buying" and then asking for a refund because you don’t apply the system to your current role. For that reason, we don’t offer a formal refund policy. Thanks for your understanding.